in September 2016 to include the Shadows Ridge Trail and a new
offshoot from Trillium Woods Trail and in October 2016 to include a
newly discovered trail that crosses over Shadow's Ridge Trail and
some other new trail sections.
The clearcut and destruction of the Beaver Pond Forest by KNL/Urbandale means that the dirt mountain biking trails such as the Lost and Found trails, behind the Goulbourn Forced Road (GFR) parking lot in the South March Highlands (SMH), will be destroyed forever. The land is already posted with No Trespassing signs and most of the access is fenced off awaiting blasting for the construction of roads and ticky tacky subdivision houses.
Fortunately the lands north of the rail line are in the protected city-owned Trillium Woods. The Trillium Woods Trail is comprised of natural dirt trails west of GFR, including a trail up to Terry Fox Drive providing access to the SMH Conservation Forest trails, also on protected city-owned land. The Trillium Woods Trail is a beginner level mountain biking trail.
The Trillium Woods Trail continues on the east side of GFR where it is primarily a gravel path that previously connected to the path from the Beaver Pond parking lot to the GFR parking lot as well as to a path along the rail line.
The section of Trillium Woods Trail from near the bridge on the gravel path southwest to GFR is also a dirt trail but is usually very muddy in sections in the spring and after heavy rainfalls, although not during the summer of 2016
Within Trillium Woods, on both sides of Goulbourn Forced Road, is a new purpose-built intermediate level mountain biking trail, Shadow's Ridge, built by the Ottawa Mountain Bike Association (OMBA) in co-operation with the City of Ottawa. This trail was just completed in September 2016.
The gravel path from the Beaver Pond parking lot to the GFR parking lot follows a narrow corridor. Although this is a just a gravel path it does have it's challenges due to several hills, including some very steep sections (see altitude profile below).

The connections between the Trillium Woods Trail and the Beaver Pond Trail were originally fenced off by the developer with no trespassing signs. However vigilante residents had opened up the connections, including cutting through the wire gate at one point.
Since then development of the area has come to a standstill as the developer deals with a flawed storm water management plan (that depended on two provincially significant wetlands) as well as other conditions of the subdivision agreement that they failed to meet.
The fencing has since been removed and all the trails on these maps are now continuous and open, at least for the foreseeable future. However the Lost and Found Trails are mostly destroyed and what is left is behind fences and No Trespassing signs.
GPS Files
The gpx file for this trail system (and other trail systems) can be downloaded by clicking the link below:
GPX files - Google Docs
If you do download the gpx file please email me at richardw.woodley@gmail.com and let me know so that I have an idea of how many people are downloading and using the files.
I hope to add photos or slide shows to each of the specific trail sections above in the future.
Posted 2011-05-22
Updated 2016-10-21